Best Job Search Websites

10 Best Job Search Websites in 2022 to find a job

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The Internet is the most widely used medium for job search and there are many web pages with job offers available online. The process is quite simple and effective thanks to them, who also make more and more effort to improve their services. We have made a selection of the 10 best job search websites.

In addition to this mega compilation of the best-known pages, we include a selection of websites specialized in digital marketing, design and computing. Take note!

We start by reviewing the most popular and well-known Job Search websites. Most of these sites have a very large number of job offers. They include a wide range of professions, which means that they have many subscribed users.


  1. They have been in the market for more than 20 years and they do not stop growing. It is the most popular page when it comes to finding a job. This site is becoming more versatile and if you compare the platform with what it was just 5 years ago, you can see a huge evolution. These are the strengths that make this website one of the favorites for those who want to look for work:
  2. You will have a private area from which you can manage all your requests, your profile, your CVs.
  3. User will be able to see what is happening with each offer you have opted for, how it is evolving, who has seen your CV. If your application has rejected or if you are continuing with the selection process.
  4. You can manage several resumes from the same profile
  5. In addition to creating several CVs, you will be able to have several cover letters and choose one or the other depending on the characteristics of the position you are applying for or the profile of the company.
  6. In your profile you can link all your social networks
  7. You can also link to your blog, or another website where you have information that interests you that the recruiter knows if he wants to deepen about you. This resource is ideal for some profiles such as journalists or graphic designers.
  8. Once you have subscribed, you will receive by email a lot of suggestions of job offers that fit your profile.
  9. Freelance section: If you are a freelancer, this website is also an option for you because for some time now it has had a section for professionals who work on their own.
  10. It has one of the most powerful apps to search for a job. It has been the first app to get more than 1,000,000 active users.
  11. If you go to the “Tips” section, you will land on his blog where you can find a lot of information that will help you in your job search.


A few years ago, we would not have included LinkedIn as a job portal. It literally is not; however, it is an essential social platform for all professionals who are looking for a job.

Before, it only functioned as a network where professionals went to meet, expand their network of contacts and publish specific content. It is now the place where many companies post their available jobs.

Recruitment 2.0 has its maximum expression in this platform that every day has more tools so that talent recruiters can carry out their work. On the one hand, it optimizes its service for companies looking for staff and on the other, it increasingly enables more options for users to improve their professional profile.

  1. You have to be on LinkedIn whether you’re actively searching or wanting to turn your career around.
  2. It has a section of Job Search where you can find a lot of proposals that fit perfectly to the configuration you have made of your profile.
  3. Simply by surfing the net you will receive many job suggestions that match your characteristics.
  4. A great advantage of this platform is that it allows you to do a search directly in the company that interests you.

Let’s say, for example, that you are interested in working at the Iberia airline. All you have to do is search for Iberia in the LinkedIn search engine and proceed:

  1. Locate the company you are interested in (Iberia)
  2. Go to their LinkedIn page (make sure you’re going to the exact company and not the company group, unless you’re interested)
  3. Click View Jobs.
  4. You can view all the jobs they have in the company in real time
  5. Click on the job that interests you (for example, Digital Marketing Specialist) and you will see the full description of the offer.
  6. Once in the offer, LinkedIn will show you what connections you have in that company and a series of similar job offers in other companies as a suggestion.
  7. It will also show you who posted the offer. If you have a Premium account, you will be able to contact the recruiter directly even if they are not your first level contact. Either way, it’s a good thing that it shows up as information because you might be able to manage to communicate with that person.
  8. If you have a Premium account, you can send a more complete application, but if you only have a free account, you can also apply for the position. Launching a Simple Request.
  9. You will see a registration box from which you can update your profile. You may interested in modifying it for this job. User can also expand your contact information to be reachable or upload your CV in another format (Word/PDF). The latter is optional, because in principle the important thing is that your LinkedIn profile fully optimized.

LinkedIn has several tools to help you improve your candidacy. These are the newest:

  1. Resume Assistant:  is an assistant that will help you create your CVs from the data you have entered.
  2. Ceev: This tool designed so that you can give your CV a more professional look even if you don’t have design knowledge or use tools such as Photoshop.
  3. Career Advice: This new career counselling and guidance program has launched as one of LinkedIn’s flagship services. It aims to become a mentoring service for users to make better use of their professional connections.


They have not been in the market for too many years, their value proposition is to be a meeting point between candidates and companies. It is very much in tune with social platforms, and recruitment 2.0.

One of its interesting bets is beKnown™, Monster’s professional networking application for Facebook.

  1. In addition to BeKnown, he has created other job search applications.
  2. It has a job blog
  3. Offers training in conjunction with eMagister.
  4. You will have a private menu from which you can modify your CV. Follow the evolution of the selection processes in which you participate.
  5. In Monster, users value companies, which serves as a reference for other users in the community.
  6. You will access thousands of offers that you can filter.
  7. User can save your searches
  8. You will receive notifications via email of those offers that match your professional preferences.


Another classic portal is Infoempleo. It allows you to search directly in its bar with a basic filter that will allow you to choose the province that interests you. Once you have searched you can further narrow down your requirements. Regarding this portal, you have to know that:

  1. It has a First Job section that will be very useful if you have just finished your training or are in it.
  2. It has a section with international job offers.
  3. They have a blog in which they publish content and news related to Job Search.
  4. From the Training section you can access:, where you will find a lot of available courses. It has more than 54,000 training options, from university training, FP degrees, oppositions or master’s degrees. They are taught both online and in person. Behind this portal is also the Vocento group.


Indeed, is not a job portal itself, but a “Job Finder“. In other words, it works like a “Google” to locate job offers. Their specialty is to track offers on the Internet that they then upload to their site.

If you are one of those who search for a specific job directly in the Google search bar, indeed will easily skip you.

  1. Once you have registered you will receive your updates via email.
  2. You can upload your CV although it is not essential to search for offers.
  3. It has more than 100 million users in the world

Marketing, IT and Design Job Search Websites

Best Job Search Websites

Employment Marketing

As can be deduced from its name, this website is geared towards jobs related to the marketing sector specifically.

In it you will find offers for many of the profiles that digital marketing encompasses. From Community Managers, Social Media Managers, Digital Marketing Analysts, Content Managers, Copywriters to Digital Designers and/or WordPress specialists.

If you are actively looking for a job, I recommend you visit his blog. You will find a good collection of useful articles to make the search process more effective.


This website is a paradise for designers, but they also publish many offers related to Marketing and new technologies. In addition to its specific job search engine for these profiles, Domestika functions as a large creative community.

To do the searches it is necessary to log in, otherwise you cannot access the offers. The good news is that if you don’t want to do it through your email, you can do it automatically from your Facebook profile.

Creatives have a lot of resources. It’s mostly creative territory and has a PRO account for creatives.


This website is specialized in the computer sector, telecommunications and technology. It has numerous offers that are updated daily, in addition to other fundamental keys:

  1. If you access the Job Search section, then opt directly for offers for freelances or not and managerial positions.
  2. Although the bulk of its vacancies are in all the countries, this website intends to project its services to other countries.
  3. In the left sidebar you can narrow your search according to your preferences.
  4. The website is associated with TecnoSaber, a platform for ICT courses
  5. More than 20,000 companies advertise their job offers on this portal for computer scientists
  6. Techno-Calculator: It has a calculator that allows you to estimate how your salary is positioned according to your experience, province and technology. If you enter your current salary or the one offered to you, you will be able to see if it adjusts or not to the average of your sector.
  7. They have a service so you can give your resume more visibility to increase the chances that your candidacy will be chosen.
  8. His Program, what does he have that I don’t? received the Award for the 100 Best Business Ideas. This program allows its users to be informed about the factors for which they have been rejected in the selection processes. It works like this:


More than a typical job portal, beBee aims to be a collaborative community of professionals. If the concept of beehive, bees or honey sounds too strange to you, skip this and go directly to the Jobs Section.

  1. Has many digital marketing job offers
  2. You can search directly in the search bar or access the groups of offers that already grouped by categories.
  3. In the Producer section you have a blog with information in English
  4. The community extends to several countries and that in total add up to more than 11 million members
  5. The fact that it planned as a community means that you can work a lot on your personal brand and take advantage of personal links
  6. If you interested, you will able to interact with the rest of the professionals showing a more personal facet.
  7. It is one of the great unicorn startup, although it has already spread to other continents.
  8. Available in several languages.

eCom & Jobs

The specialty of eCom & Jobs digital jobs oriented to e-commerce. The offers range from developers to marketing managers, through many other professions linked to digital marketing.

What else does this portal offer us?

  1. It is quite simple to use
  2. It has a lot of filters on the right, but I would recommend you not to filter excessively. Let you miss out on an interesting offer that is located in another category.
  3. This has a section with some tips to prepare your application (how to make a CV, how to prepare a job interview, etc.)
  4. Despite not being a very well-known website, it offers many interesting and specific job offers.


This compilation of websites to find work where many job offers appear will be very useful to find the position you are looking for. Prepare your resume well, make sure to strengthen your personal brand and we wish you the best of luck in your new job.

Also Read:

  1. 10 Best Job Search Websites in 2022 to find a job
  2. The Best Job Portals to Find Work in Australia

About Post Author

admin is a global media company, focusing on business, investing, technology, entrepreneurship, leadership content.
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admin is a global media company, focusing on business, investing, technology, entrepreneurship, leadership content.

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