If you want to download and reinstall Malwarebytes Premium on windows then follow the steps given below.
What is Malwarebytes? What it is used for?
Malwarebytes is an antivirus service it is used to scan and remove viruses and malwares from decives on windows, Mac and androids etc. Malwarebytes premium gives you on-going protection and safety from viruses rather then just cleaning and removing viruses. It is safe to use.
How to download and install Malwarebytes premium in windows 7, 8 and 10?
If you want to start using Malwarebytes in window, download and install the newest version of Malwarebytes for windows.
Follow these commands to install the Malwarebytes.
- Download the newest version of Malwarebytes.
- Find the setup file which was downloaded, Mbsetup.exe. (Mostly downloaded files are saved in download folder.)
- Double click the file.
- When User Account Control box pop up on the screen, then click yes. (User account control needs authorization to install Malwarebytes on windows.)
- A box will pop up on your screen and ask that in what sort of computer you are installing Malwarebytes on.
- Click either Personal or Work computer.
- Agree to the End License agreement, Click agree and install.
- To select a separate install location, click Advance option.
- When your Malwarebytes installation completes for windows, the programme starts to the Welcome to the Malwarebytes screen, then click on the button get started.
- Malwarebytes will ask which one you would like to use Malwarebyte Free Version or Malwarebyte premium version.
- Use Malwarebytes Free: this version of Malwarebyte only helps to remove existing virus or infection and has no proactive protection.
- Purchase Premium: Purchase a subscription of premium Malwarebytes and unlock all protection features
- Activate subscription: login to enter your License Key to turn your Malwarebytes Subscription.
- If you already bought a subscription from Malwarebytes website then try log in to that account by entering your Email and password to sign in and if you don’t remember you password then you can click on Forgot password for My Account.
- If you want to activate your License Key then click on “Enter License key” and on the next page enter your license key then click on “Activate License”.
- You can Claim for 14 days trial this will only appear when it’s your first time using Malwarebytes otherwise it won’t appear. If you want to use it then you can claim it but on that condition you must provide your email on the following screen to activate the trial.
How to Reinstall Malwarebytes Premium on Windows 7?
- First of all visit the Malwarebytes websites and click on the given link “Download Free Version”.
- After downloading the free version save the Malwarebytes installation to your desktop.
- After that double click on the “Malwarebytes installation file” on your Desktop.
- Choose the installation language you need and then click “OK”.
- Then click next and then click “I accept the agreement” before clicking next again.
- Sequent keep on clicking next and then next again. After that click on next to leave the start menu folder as it is. Click the “Create a desktop Icon” and “Create a quick launch icon” if you want either a desktop icon, quick launch or both, then click next again.
- At the very last click on install to start the installation. Malwarebytes is premium anti-malware software.
Steps to Reinstall Malwarebytes Premium on Window 8
Uninstall and Reinstall Malwarebytes using Malwarebytes support tool
- Firstly download the Malware Support tool.
- In the download folder open the downloaded file
- A pop up window will show up named User Account Control, then click yes to continue the installation.
- You will need Microsoft .Net 4.0 Framework to run the Malwarebytes support tool. If you don’t have Net 4.0 Framework then you will to face an errors while running the tool.
- A pop up box will appear on your screen of Net 4.0 Framework not found click ok to open the Microsoft’s Download page and download the newest one Net 4.0 Framework components.
- In the Malwarebytes Software License Agreements, tick the box and nest to Accept License Agreement finish the installation, after allowing the agreement.
- Click next to finish the installation, the Malwarebytes support tool automatically opens.
- Locate to the left navigation pane of the Malware support tool, click Advance.
- In the Advance option click clean
- A Malwarebytes cleanup pop up box will appear, click yes. A pop up will show up on your screen indicating the cleanup. Before you go forward make sure that your work is saved in the Back ground.
- Malwarebytes cleanup pop up will ask you to restart your computer click yes to restart.
- When your computer restarts in the pop-up which will appear on your screen, click yes after that a pop-up will appear and shows a Post Reboot Cleanup.
- In the pop-up box of Reinstall Malwarebytes for windows, click yes to reinstall Malwarebytes apps.
- When you will be reinstalling Malwarebytes you will have to choose that where are you reinstalling the Malwarebytes in Personal Computer or Work Computer.
- Now click install, a pop-up will show up with a loading bar of the installation. You can open Malwarebytes app after the Installation.
How to reinstall Malwarebytes premium in Windows 10?
If you want to reinstall the Malware bytes premium in windows 10 then follow the procedures given below

Procedure 1
If you have already purchased Malwarebytes from malwarebytes.com then you must have received an email with license key, now link to download the program. Check if you can see an email. To log into your profile you need to enter your email and password.
Procedure 2
You can download Malwarebytes from Malwarebytes.com. you have find Malwarebytes official websites to download the Malwarebytes free version. Once it is downloaded you can activate the premium version of Malwarebytes inserting your Licensekey.
Procedure 3
Reinstall Malwarebytes by reinstalling window – this procedure is used for those users who do not have their Malwarebytes License key with them. They need to restore the computer to the previous date after restoring the computer they will find in their computer. Don’t forget to restart the computer after updating Malware.
Steps to install Malwarebytes Premium on Window 11
- First of all you have to download Malwarebytes for your Window 11.
- When the download gets completed open the downloaded file in folder where it has been saved then double click on the file to start the installation.
- After that you have to choose that in which type of work environment you are going to install Malwarebytes. You will get two options first will be for “Personal computer” and second will be “Work Computer”.
- After that click on the installation button in set up wizard.
- A pop up box will show up on your screen and ask you to install the Malwarebytes browser guard, so click on yes install button.
- After the installation is complete open the Malwarebytes app and click on get started.
- If you want to use Malwarebytes premium version then you will have to buy malware subscription to use all the protection feature.
The installation of Malwarebytes is complete.
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[…] If you want to download and reinstall Malwarebytes Premium on windows 7, 10 & 11 then follow the steps given below. […]